Our mission
Connecting People to Each Other and to the World
FlightHub makes travel accessible, allowing more people to visit new places and explore new cultures. With over 5 million customers served per year, our goal is to provide travellers with the cheapest flights available, along with optimal itineraries and exceptional customer service.

“Why I like working here? The answer is simple: the people! We build awesome teams that share the same values. We’re hungry, humble, and honest.”

Cassidey Head of Recruiting
Our vision
The Best Itineraries at the Cheapest Prices
FlightHub combines its intricate network of airlines and partners with the latest technology to offer up-to-the-minute lowest prices on itineraries. We get customers where they need to be, as quickly and efficiently as possible.

“The booking was easy to follow and I like how you had a variety prices and airlines you could choose from so you were not stuck with one price or airline. I have booked several flights with FlightHub over the years.”

Bernadette Customer
One Community, One Love
We don’t just put our money where our mouths are, but our people too. In addition to being connected to our customers and to each other, we sponsor and volunteer with organizations in our community that make a daily impact on the lives of those who need it most.
Love Where You Work
Your work is a huge part of your life. We know this. By joining our team you will be surrounded by like-minded, ambitious, and driven colleagues.
Join the Team!

Your work is a huge part of your life. We know this. By joining our team you will be surrounded by like-minded, ambitious, and driven colleagues.